About project
Period: July 30th, 2020
Client: San Juan Custom Painting
Subject: Custom WordPress Site, Google Ads
After initially seeking out help concerning SEO for the outdated site, San Juan Custom Painting returned needing a brand new and customized website to replace their outdated site that would also rank well amongst competitors in the region.
Our Task Was
360Durango had to analyze San Juan Custom Painting’s local market and develop a plan that would allow their organization to rank highly amidst an internet environment already filled with competitors. With data-driven steps, our team set out to build a new website.
360Durango sat down with San Juan Custom Painting to understand the scope of services provided, what makes their organization unique, and then used this information to dive deeper into the analytics of Google searches to put them at the top.
- Coordinated meetings to understand organization’s ultimate goals
- Analyzed digital market for competitors
- Developed data-driven plan for SEO buildout
- Customized theme
- Crafted optimized copy
- Originated Google Ads campaign to correlate with new site launch
- Set website and ads to go live
San Juan Custom Painting now has a website that is able to compete and dominate within the SEO world, allowing them to move beyond repeat customers into new untapped markets.
- New, customized WordPress Site
- Fully optimized, data-driven SEO package
- Targeted Google Ads to boost new site into local market
Our team was able to develop a brand new, beautiful, and optimized website to help a local service provider obtain maximum exposure for their demographic. With clear and concise copy, with SEO baked right in, potential clients within a certain radius are now able to find San Juan Custom Painting’s full menu of services.