Your website is the most important online presence your business can have and all of your marketing efforts should funnel directly to it. Consumers will take actions once they get there, so it’s important to determine what those actions are and how they will be valuable to your business. From there, the process is all about continuing to modify your website based on the results you can measure. Design, build, execute, measure, adjust, repeat. It never ends. Check out the top 5 things you need to know about website marketing.

1. It’s a 24/7 Salesperson
The whole idea is to make money while you sleep. If you design and implement your website in your marketing strategy, it can end up generating direct or indirect revenue, some of which could be passive. Any tool that generates leads for you is a good tool to have at your disposal. When people find you online, they are generally interested in what your business has to offer and therefore will want to get in touch with you! Be sure to have a detailed contact page that allows people to reach you at the touch of a button so you may start generating new sales conversions.
2. The Only Online Property you can Completely Control
Your website is the welcome mat for your consumers. Building a website is just like building your dream home; you want your guests to feel welcome and you want to feel proud to show off all of your hard work. Therefore, just like a true friend coming to your new home for a dinner party, your audience will want to know everything about your business and exactly what it has to offer. When planning out your website design and layout, you should keep in mind who is visiting your website and what they are looking for. During this process, be sure to consider clean design and eyeflow. The actions people take or don’t take are usually related to poor design.
3. Place of Community for your Customers
The beauty of having a website is that unlike a physical store, it never closes. Your website will be available to your customers 24/7, 7 days a week! Therefore, your website can become a great place of community for your customers and you can gain valuable insight on how the general public perceives your products and services. When you constantly update your website with new information such as through blog posts or new product descriptions and quality imagery, it will strengthen your brand and put you on the Map as being a highly professional, credible business that people can trust.
4. Strengthens Brand Image
Your website is the hub for all of your branding messages you send out through multiple platforms including the actual website itself, social media, blog writing, eNewsletters and more. You can display your brand voice through your website through design, photography and copy writing. Be sure to develop who you are, what you represent and what you stand for, and the rest of your branding will come naturally. By doing so, you will significantly increase the chances of gaining new prospective clients and also setting you apart from your competitors. Therefore, having a website is vital in introducing and fortifying your brand’s credibility.
5. Build Credibility
Chances are, there are several businesses in the area that offer the same services as you do. Having a website will set you apart from your competitors and display a level of professionalism that others may not. Be sure when you are in the design process that you clearly communicate the vital information you wish to convey to your prospective clients. Without doing so, or without having a website entirely, you will lose the perception of having legitimacy in your field of expertise. Having a website gives your business the opportunity to make a great first impression that will stick with people and make them want to choose you when they are in search of the services that you provide.